Abacus Medicine - DayDose Packaging

Client: Abacus Medicine
Case: A compact supplement packaging solution designed to combine all daily required supplements.
Category: Medical Packaging

DAYDOSE™ is a brand developed by Abacus Medicine, a medical reseller with a network of licensed suppliers. Abacus consulted Eye-D with developing the new brand specifically dedicated to delivering daily supplements with focus on internet distribution. Eye-D designed a packaging system that would encourage positive user experience with a user-friendly tablet dispenser creating an overview of your daily dose of supplements.
Robust design
User testing, user analysis
Manufacturing and production line collaboration
Our Involvement
Medical Packaging
Branding and visual identity
Experience design
Service design
Eye-D started by analyzing the behavior of individuals taking supplements. The results indicated that the packaging and delivery method are vital to encouraging users to keep track of whether they are taking their daily supplements.
The concept was to ​​combine all important recommended minerals, vitamins and omega-3s into one complete dietary supplement. It is one simple solution: easy to open, compact, hygienic and portable. Through the innovative peel-open system and interlocking blisters, the design sets new standards for blister-packed tablets. The easy-peel, no push-through opening is both hygienic and helpful for users and caretakers alike.
DayDose is a complete supplement packaging solution that combines all supplements into daily servings, each marked with the respective day of the week to help users track their intake. Eye-D’s solution also brought DayDose to become the winner of the Red Dot award.